CES 2024 - The Year of AI


This week has seen an explosion of AI products showcased at the Consumer Electronics Show 2024. The annual bonanza in Las Vegas has, for the first time, been swamped by products that have AI at their core. To celebrate this, I want to showcase some of the best and most interesting products here. So, let’s dive in…

The thing about CES is that it showcases, well, EVERYTHING! From cars to robots to TV’s to toothbrushes - if it has an electronics angle, then you’ll find it being launched at CES. So, having looked at many product demos over the last five days of the show, here is a curated list of the most interesting AI embedded products.

First up, next level health monitoring from Withings with their BeamO health monitor that scans your heart and listens to your lungs amongst other things. Check out the video here:

Next up, a first generation hologram crestor by Holoconnects. Imagine being in one place and yet a life size replica of you appears somewhere else. All very Star Trek!

And now we have a cool little AI Assistant called Ballie from electronic giant Samsung. I guess this is taking Siri or Alexa to the next level. I genuinely wonder where this technology will end up, but for now check out this demo video to see how far it has come in a very short period of time:

The award for the coolest video number 1 goes to drone manufacturer DJI and their flycart model. This can carry up to 40kg and drop it off anywhere - it doesn’t even have to land. This is probably the future of deliveries as it scales and the costs come down. Expect the skies at low level to be full of these…

Award for best video number 2 goes to the XPeng flying car that goes on sale in 2025. Not sure how practical this is or how it will contend with all the drones in the low level sky, but it’s a cool video for sure!

Finally, a toothbrush. Not everything at the show had AI and this is my favourite non AI product. Nothing more to say other than it cleans all your teeth at once and gets it done in less than 20 seconds. Not a bad way to finish, don’t you think?

I hope you enjoyed this round up of some of the most interesting product demonstrations to come out of CES 2024. I’ll catch you on Wednesday for more AI news, tools and prompts.