The Perfect Prompt


Welcome to issue #11, which marks a change to the way - and frequency - that this newsletter is presented. The emphasis on this issue is shortform: 5 minutes maximum to consume. I hope you enjoy it the new format. A second, single focus, deep dive edition will be in your inbox every Saturday morning.


Here is a curation of the most interesting AI related news stories of the past week:

ChatGPT brings back internet access: having cancelled its web browing feature back in July due to fears around breaching paywalls, OpenAI have reintroduced their Browse with Bing feature for all Plus and Enterprise users. Read all about it here

Potential AI breakthrough in disease diagnosis: Google DeepMind has developed an AI technique, named AlphaMissense, that identifies mutations in human DNA that could potentially cause diseases. The tool significantly speeds up the process by predicting how single-letter mutations affect protein structures, thereby aiding in faster disease diagnosis and opening avenues for treatment. Find out more here

UK supercomputer for rent in the offing: U.K.-based NexGen Cloud is set to launch an 'AI Supercloud' service aimed at providing high-performance computing for AI applications, particularly targeting European businesses and startups. The company plans to invest $1 billion in the project and will feature over 20,000 H100 GPUs from Nvidia, accessible via NexGen's Hyperstack platform. Learn more here

Microsoft gets early access to DALL-E 3: Microsoft has integrated OpenAI's latest DALL-E 3 model into its Bing Chat and Bing Image Creator platforms, offering enhanced image generation capabilities before even OpenAI's own ChatGPT does. Shows where the power lies in that relationship. Find out how to use it here; it’s sure to be a real competitor for MidJourney

Watermarking AI created images. Great idea but not there yet: The reliability of watermarking for AI-generated images is under scrutiny, with researchers highlighting its vulnerabilities in a new study. Despite these concerns, tech giants continue to invest in watermarking as a method to combat misinformation, though experts are divided on its overall efficacy. Get the lowdown on this important issue here

AI Tool Spotlight

This blew my mind! Probably the most impressive AI tool that I’ve seen in making text to video. I signed up on the spot. Check out invideo AI here. Videos can be made by simply sharing ideas. Seriously, check it out.


Every week, I’ll give you a couple of prompts that you can cut and paste that will help you get the most out of ChatGPT or any chatbot of your choice. First off, I’m going to give you a road map of how to craft the perfect prompt.

Here’s an example of a general prompt for you to fill in the blanks:

I am interested in understanding [Subject Area] in the context of [Specific Context]. Could you please [Define Objective, e.g., 'explain', 'compare', 'evaluate'] the impact of [Task or Topic] on [Additional Factor, if needed]?

I would prefer a [Desired Length, e.g., 'short', 'medium', 'long' or 'word count'] answer and would like you to include your reasoning process. Please also provide pros and cons where applicable.

An example would be as follows:

“I am interested in understanding the impact of artificial intelligence in the context of property development. Could you please explain the advantages and disadvantages of implementing AI driven solutions for real estate investment and management? Please restrict your answer to 500 words and include your reasoning process. Please also provide pros and cons in table format at the end of your response.”

That’s a wrap! See you on Saturday for the first of our deep dives into use AI to get things done. It’ll be all practical actionable information. Don’t miss out!