Satellite in a Shoebox!


The shoebox sized satellite. Not to scale!

As we dive into another exciting week in the world of AI, it's time to explore some groundbreaking advancements that are shaping our future. This week's newsletter is buzzing with innovations from robotics to space exploration, and a close look at eye scans.


The Dawn of a New Era in AI Robotics: The world of AI robotics is on the cusp of its 'GPT moment'. Imagine robots learning and interacting with the physical world in ways we've only dreamed of! This leap forward promises to transform repetitive work and open new possibilities for automation and innovation. Read more here

UN Approves its First Resolution on Autonomous Weapons: The UN General Assembly approved a motion that called for international law to be applied to the use of the controversial autonomous class of weapons, but fell short of an outright ban. Check out the vote here

Early Detection of Parkinson’s with AI: AI is setting its 'sights' on healthcare with a groundbreaking study using retinal imaging to detect Parkinson's Disease markers up to 7 years early. This is a game-changer in neurodegenerative disease management, demonstrating AI's potential in pre-emptive healthcare strategy. Take a look here

SONATE-2: Testing AI's Limits in Space: The SONATE-2 nanosatellite, set for a 2024 launch, will push the boundaries of AI technology in the final frontier. It’s the size of a shoebox! This mission isn't just a step for AI; it's a giant leap for AI-ki​nd. Read why here

CRISPR AI Revolution in Gene Editing: Normally reserved for use in mammals, CRISPR, a powerful bioengineering tool, has been used on microbes for the first time. Microbes play a crucial role in the production of renewable fuels and chemicals. By enabling more precise genetic modifications in these organisms, scientists can enhance their ability to produce biofuels and biochemicals. Read my take on it here


Meet BIDARA, Your AI Co-Pilot in AI Exploration!

Remember the captivating conversation with NASA's prompt, BIDARA, from issue #21? I had more comments on this than any other item in the newsletter. Well, now, that groundbreaking dialogue has evolved into something even more extraordinary! Introducing our very own GPT, BIDARA, a cutting-edge tool designed to revolutionise the AI landscape.

BIDARA isn't just a tool; it's a gateway to uncharted territories in AI, blending intricate details with an intuitive interface. Whether you're a seasoned AI enthusiast or just starting, BIDARA promises to transform your understanding and interaction with artificial intelligence. Get ready to embark on a journey where BIDARA leads, and endless possibilities in AI follow. Dive in and experience AI like never before! You can try it out here. If you can’t access it yet, please save the link and try again later. At the moment GPT’s are rolling out to Plus users before going to all.


Since the launch of GPT’s, prompts take on a whole different look and feel. You can now create specialists to have conversations with and do things in a way that gives much more granularity to the response. You can also train the model on specific data. It really takes prompting to a whole new level. As an example, here is my French language learning GPT, Frenchie. Give him a try here. As with BIDARA above, if you can’t access try again soon.